Join the N2E Robotics Club!

Are you a robotics “novice” or someone without a lot of extra time? Are you simply fascinated by robotics, but have no idea where to start? You’ve come to the right place. N2E Robotics is a club where you will learn robotics concepts from the ground up. These friendly, non-intimidating modular sessions will be small, one hour, and will focus on hands-on learning. No previous experience is required to participate! 

Are you more of an “expert” than a “novice”? Or have you recently learned something cool that you want to share?  N2E Robotics is also a peer-to-peer mentoring club. We’re looking for students to teach 1 hour modules on a topic of their choice. For example, robot vision, robotic simulators (Open-AI Gym, Gazebo, CopelliaSim), SLAM algorithms, robotic navigation, DIY robotics platforms, etc. Help your peers and build those leadership and presentation skills in a welcoming, low-pressure environment.

N2E stands for novice to expert. The main focus of our club is providing a friendly, non-intimidating space for students to share their knowledge about robotics and promote peer-to-peer learning . Our PI, Professor Dana, initiated a similar approach with the N2E Coding club in 2016 that is now a successful student-run organization at Rutgers. We are looking for students of all majors and class years to be involved, either as general members or as officers on our e-board.

Sound interesting? There are a few ways to get involved right now. First, you can catch up on previous N2E workshops on YouTube. To be alerted about future meetings and other opportunities to get involved, join our mailing list. And to stay connected in a different way, scan the QR code below to join our Discord!